Monday, February 2, 2009

Stats, Stats, Stats!

This week's top teams are:

  1. Colegio Boston de Negocios (Costa Rica)
  2. Albedaya Team (Libya)
  3. Korina For Training (Libya)
  4. Centro Educativo Grupo CEDVA (Mexico)
  5. Libyan Iron and Steel Company (LISCO) (Libya)
  6. Tawater Center for Training (Libya)
  7. Al Motamaiz Co. - Gov (Libya)
  8. Alshamelah-ATC-ACA (Libya)
  9. Digital Roadrunners (USA)
  10. Institut 2F GmbH (Germany)

North, South & Central America

  1. Colegio Boston de Negocios (Costa Rica)
  2. Centro Educativo Grupo CEDVA (Mexico)
  3. Digital Roadrunners (USA)
  4. IBEC TLC (Ecuador)
  5. Eastern Eagles (USA)


  1. Dragon Team (China)
  2. オデッセイ テスティング センター 有楽町店 (Japan)
  3. 日本工学院専門学校(Japan)
  4. ニューホライズンジャパン CDトレーニングセンター (Japan)
  5. 専修学校 国際電子ビジネス専門学校 (Japan)

Europe, Middle East & Africa

  1. Albedaya Team (Libya)
  2. Korina For Training (Libya)
  3. Libyan Iron and Steel Company (LISCO) (Libya)
  4. Tawater Center for Training (Libya)
  5. Al Motamaiz Co. - Gov (Libya)
And I promised extra stats since this week's posting is a little late. The following teams are currently in first place in their respective countries (countries chosen at random):
#1 team in Bahamas: The College of The Bahamas
#1 team in Italy: Euro-Form Gruppo Formland
#1 team in Peru: Siete Cero Cuatro
#1 team in Egypt: Pyramids Higher Institute for Engineering and Technology
#1 team in United Arab Emirates: HCT AD

Have a great week everyone!

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