Friday, January 16, 2009

Top teams this week

Thank you to teams who submitted videos for the early deadline. From what we can tell (we're going to need to translate the videos to be sure), everything we've gotten looks quite good!

Here are the top teams of the week...
North, South & Central America
  1. Colegio Boston de Negocios (Costa Rica)
  2. Digital Roadrunners (USA)
  3. Centro Educativo Grupo CEDVA (Mexico)
  4. IBEC TLC (Ecuador)
  5. Eastern Eagles (USA)
  1. Dragon Team (China)
  2. 日本工学院専門学校 (Japan)
  3. オデッセイ テスティング センター 有楽町店 (Japan)
  4. 専修学校 国際電子ビジネス専門学校 (Japan)
  5. ニューホライズンジャパン CDトレーニングセンター (Japan)
Europe, Middle East & Africa
  1. Libyan Iron and Steel Company (LISCO) (Libya)
  2. Albedaya Team (Libya)
  3. Alshamelah-ATC-ACA (Libya)
  4. Tawater Center for Training (Libya)
  5. Alshamelah Team (Libya)

  1. Libyan Iron and Steel Company (LISCO) (Libya)
  2. Colegio Boston de Negocios (Costa Rica)
  3. Albedaya Team (Libya)
  4. Digital Roadrunners (USA)
  5. Centro Educativo Grupo CEDVA (Mexico)
  6. Alshamelah-ATC-ACA (Libya)
  7. Tawater Center for Training (Libya)
  8. Alshamelah Team (Libya)
  9. Alshamelah-ATC-GOV (Libya)
  10. Alwafa High Institute (Libya)

Have a good weekend friends!


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