Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Scoring Points: Existing IC3 Authorized Instructors

Hey guys,

I often receive questions concerning the point system for the competition. So I decided a good idea would be to spend a few weeks having a short discussion about each of the ways to score points.

The first way listed is, “Existing IC3 Authorized Instructor.” This can earn a total of 300 points. What it means is that each team is given 300 points for up to one person who is already an Authorized Instructor. (All other points earned for AI, the person must become an AI during the competition.) This is the only time that a team can earn points for something that was done before the competition began.

I hope this short post has been helpful. If you have any further questions feel free to email us, or leave a comment to this post.

Also go here: to see the official rules on earning points.


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